Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'll throw some random sketches up as proof that I am, in fact, still solid matter.

Here are some tigers from the plane. (The tigers were not on the plane, my sketchbook was)

In-class still life that looks much better in reality, I swear! These school scanners are balls.

A Song of Ice and Fire fanart, 'cause I am just that geeky.

Random character design ideas for our last Layout assignment, a receptionist and a male model. Why don't I type in complete sentences?

Well, I guess that's all I bothered to scan!


Kirsten Whiteley said...

Your painting looks so realistic!!!!!!! Nice job!

Noam Sussman said...

damn teach me how to draw some tigersss. that paintings cool too

Murber said...

I'm digging the horse that is taking absurd pleasure in his riders discomfort.

Randeep Katari said...

Hey Keely! Nice work! How's it going?
